Year 3/4 Ravens 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the Ravens class page! 


Our exciting new topic in the Spring term is "Great Adventures." We will be learning all about what life was like for Stone Age Man and how life changed with the discovery of metals and the domestication of animals 


Children have already chosen a reading book to read whilst at school. It is encouraged that children should be reading at least 4 times a week at home. If you are struggling to find reading books at home then please let us know and we can send a school reading book home. 

Your child will be heard individually read whilst at school and they will also take part in whole class guided reading sessions. Within these sessions, your child will read and listen to a variety of different genres of texts and answer a range of different questions about what they have read.


Homework and Spellings:

For this term, your child’s homework will be set on Google Classroom and will be available on a Friday. Children will be set both Literacy and Maths homework on alternative weeks. Where possible, the homework set will link to the area of learning we have covered in class that week. If your child has any problems with the homework set, please let us know and we can go through it with them at school. 


New spellings for both year groups will be taught on a Monday, where a 'Look, Cover, Write, Check' sheet will be given out to the children to practice these new spellings in school during the week. In addition to this, the weekly spellings will be uploaded onto ‘Spelling Shed’ where your child can practice and play games linked to the weekly set spellings. Children will then be tested on these words weekly.



The children will have PE on a Thursday afternoon with the Sports Coaching Group. Please can you ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. They will then stay in their PE kit for the whole day.


We look forward to a fantastic year together!


Miss Barry

Files to Download

Year 3/4 Ravens: News items

Monthy E-Safety, by Mrs Wakefield

School Easter Bingo, by Mr Walker

Heber Science Fair, by Mr Walker

Year 3/4 Ravens: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 3/4 Ravens: Gallery items

Year 3/4 Ravens: Calendar items

Non-uniform Day, by Ms Diamond

PTA Easter Bingo, by Ms Diamond

‘Unlocking the Potential’