Pre School Acorns 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Acorns! 🌱
We are Farndon's Pre-School Class, where we nurture a love for learning through play, exploration, and meaningful interactions. Our team is dedicated to creating a warm and engaging environment for every child.

Meet the Team:

πŸ‘©‍🏫 Miss Jackson – Class Teacher (Monday - Wednesday)
πŸ‘©‍🏫 Mrs Pomerantz – Class Teacher (Thursday - Friday)
πŸ‘©‍🏫 Miss Baker – Teaching Assistant
πŸ‘©‍🍽 Mrs Edmond – Lunchtime & PPA Cover
⚽ Mr Owens – PE Teacher (Tuesday mornings)

Our Daily Routine ⏰

We believe in a balance of structured learning and free play, allowing children to explore, create, and grow at their own pace.

⏳ 8:55 - Arrival & Exploringe – Children settle in with free play, choosing from various engaging activities.
πŸ—£ 9:30 - Morning Check-in & Group Time – A warm welcome, discussions, and learning together.
🍎 10:00 - Snack & Story Time – A healthy snack while enjoying a book.
🎨 10:20 - Discovery & Learning Time – Child-led play alongside focused learning activities.
πŸ”€ 11:30 - Phonics & Nursery Rhymes – We follow the Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics scheme.
πŸ₯ͺ 11:45 - Lunchtime (Morning children are collected at 11.45)
πŸ“š 12:30 - Carpet Time Learning – A short, engaging session on our daily theme.
πŸ› 12:45 - Play & Focused Learning – A mix of child-led play and planned activities.
🍎 2:00 - Snack & Story Time – A chance to wind down with a story.
πŸƒ 2:30 - Outdoor Adventures – Big Yard or Pirate Ship play to burn off energy!
🎢 3:00 - Songs & Stories – A calm way to finish the day.
🏑 3:25 - Home Time – Our gates open for a steady collection.

Outdoor Exploration 🌳

We have a fantastic outdoor area that is open all day for free-flow play, encouraging children to explore the natural world, build confidence, and engage in active learning.

What to Bring

πŸ‘œ A bag of spare clothes (to stay at school)
πŸ’§ A labelled water bottle
πŸ§₯ In colder months: Warm coat, hat, scarf, gloves (all labelled)
🧒 In warmer months: Sun hat & labelled sunscreen

Communication πŸ“’

We have an open-door policy and are always happy to chat! You can reach us through:
πŸ“© Monthly Newsletters – Sent home with key updates.
πŸ“± Class Dojo – We upload photos of the children’s activities, and each child has their own portfolio. You can also message us via the app.
🌐 Website Updates – Each term, we’ll post an overview of what’s coming up.

Special Events πŸŽ‰

πŸ“– Secret Reader – Every Wednesday at 3:00 pm, a mystery guest (a parent, grandparent, or family member) comes in to read to the children. You can book a slot via School Spider – but keep it a surprise!

🐰πŸ₯š Acorns Easter Disco – Children will have received a letter about this exciting event! We are raising money for our classroom. £5 a ticket includes a disco, hot dog, Easter egg hunt, and a visit from the Easter Bunny! Wednesday, 2nd April, 3:30 - 4:30 PM. All children are welcome, even if it’s not their scheduled day.

πŸƒ Sports Day – Wednesday, 11th June (11:00 - 11:30 am) – All children are welcome to join, even if it’s not their usual session.

Getting Ready for Reception🏫 

Starting school is a big step, and we want to help make the transition to Reception as smooth as possible. Below are two important documents to support you and your child.

Thinking of Joining Acorns?

If you’d like to apply for our nursery, click here for more information!

We can't wait to learn, play, and grow together in Acorns! 🌱✨ 

Miss Jackson & Mrs Pomerantz

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Pre School Acorns: News items

Pop Up Play Village, by Mrs Wakefield

Monthy E-Safety, by Mrs Wakefield

Pre School Acorns: Blog items

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Pre School Acorns: Gallery items

Pre School Acorns: Calendar items

Non-uniform Day, by Ms Diamond

PTA Easter Bingo, by Ms Diamond

β€˜Unlocking the Potential’