FACE Before and After School Care
TOAST, A Little Piece of Toast! *
Breakfast Club serves breakfast on request up to 8:25am .. just ask on the day.
Due to high demand our popular afterschool club is fully booked on some evenings this term. We do normally have limited spaces available at Breakfast Club.
Booking is required for Breakfast Club or FACE.
Opening Times
FACE is open every night after a normal school day and last pick up is 6pm.
Breakfast Club starts at 7:45 am and runs to start of school.
A little bit about the club
The price for Breakfast Club is £5.25 without breakfast and £6.25 with breakfast.
The pricings for After School care are charged on an hourly rate. The first hour is £5.50, and the second hour is £4.50. For the final half hour it is £2.25. The total charge for the whole session is £12.25.
Access & Booking
Sessions are booked on line using the SchoolMoney website please contact Sarah Roderick, sroderick@farndon.cheshire.sch.uk , to be added to the booking system (a completed registration form is required). Sessions are booked on a weekly basis, but parents can book in advance for the whole term if they prefer. Booking / cancelling for the following week can take place up until Friday morning but then it is closed to allow us to complete the registers. Where the place is then not needed, there will be a cancellation fee of £5.50 . The school accept emergency only bookings in the current week at an extra cost. For FACE it is charged at £13.50 a session and for Breakfast club £8.25.The availability of places, especially an emergency place, is not guaranteed as the session requested may be full.
We accept Tax Free Vouchers (get the Government to give you £2 on top of every £8 you spend) https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare Please inform Sarah Roderick before making a payment with Tax Free Vouchers as we do not receive any notifications.
Payment can be made by card via SchoolMoney and we accept child care vouchers from many different providers.
Operation & Ethos
We are primarily a play club and defend the rights of a child to experience, learn and develop through free choice play, art and design, within the parameters of respect and a few key rules to keep us all safe and happy.
Infant children are brought along to FACE by a member of school staff and older children make their own way once their teacher allows them to go. Breakfast Club drop off and FACE pick up are via the main school entrance (near the school office window).
Allergens & Food Intolerences
Please keep us up to date with any allergies or food intolerences so that we can ensure that any snacks offered to your child are suitable. We ask to be informed of any issues at the time of registration, school has set procedures for notification and we get updated with these changes once a year. To make sure that your child is not put at risk please inform Sarah Roderick as soon as there is any change in intolerences and allergies. Please inform Breakfast Club/ FACE staff of any allergies or intolerences if you are expecting your child to eat or drink with us or, if they may suffer a very severe allergic reaction, and you suspect that they may come in contact with that substance at our club.
Sadly due to a lack of respect being shown by some children FACE/BC will now be charging for any breakages that are caused by a lack of respect for the toys or a deliberate act. Parents will either be charged or they can volunteer to replace the equipment with an item of similar quality.
For more information about FACE & Breakfast Club please download the information sheet, 'Introduction to FACE' or contact Sarah Roderick. If you would like a registration form, then please download and return it to the School Office.
Meet the Staff
Sarah Roderick: FACE Manager sroderick@farndon.cheshire.sch.uk
Nicola Green: FACE Deputy Manager
Diane Lowe: FACE & BC Playleader
Denise Parry: FACE & BC Playleader
Hannah Gater: FACE Playleader
Lily Nicholas: FACE Playleader
Vacancy : FACE & BC Playleader
Miss Kimberley - Sports Coach
FACE and Breakfast Club are part of the Extended Services for Farndon Primary and are included in several whole School policies. However, some policies are specific to the FACE Club and are accessible on this page. There is a Governor Sub Committee that regularly meets to discuss the management and effective running of the School's extended service and review these policies when it is necessary.
FACE and Breakfast Club are insured alongside Farndon School via the Cheshire West & Chester Council Insurance umbrella. Please contact the school bursar for more details.
FACE & Breakfast Club have benefitted from the Wraparound childcare funding agreement which aims to increase the available wrap around care in school and in the local community. We will be providing data to the Department of Education up until 2027 which may include the personal data of parents. Please read the DofE letter which is in our list of files below for more information about this.
*with thanks to Streetband 1978 - for those of us old enough to remember!