
Giving our pupils an appreciation of the beauty and power of Maths; unlocking their potential.


The 2014 National Curriculum for maths aims to ensure that all pupils:

* become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics

* reason mathematically

* can solve problems by applying their mathematics

Here at Farndon Primary we work towards these aims in our daily maths lessons, following a mastery approach.

We aim to give our children the confidence to achieve mathematically, consequently enhancing their chances of success in later life. Children are encouraged to develop independence and show the skills of perseverance and resilience in daily lessons.

Staff work to foster a life-long love of maths through rich, purposeful mathematical experiences. We aim to create a whole school positive ethos towards mathematics, enabling all children to achieve in the subject.


We use the Power Maths scheme as a basis for our learning and teaching. Our teachers work with a structured lesson format which encourages sequenced learning, which is coherently planned and builds upon prior learning.

Following the Power Maths approach, teachers are encouraged to adapt ideas to meet the needs of their class and specific groups within their class.

Daily retrieval of arithmetic skills is a consistent aspect of all maths lessons across school, and along with the learning of times table facts, is given specific time in the maths curriculum and within lessons to be embedded. 

Children are taken out of their 'comfort zone' within lessons and guided through learning experiences, hopefully losing any feeling of 'fear' towards the subject.

Teachers work to incorporate the science of learning within the learning and teaching of maths. Lessons are divided into sections; discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. The 'I do, we do, you do' approach guides pupils learning and works to support their independence. A range of questioning approaches allows for high level participation.

Children are encouraged to verbalise their thought processes and a simple answer is challenged with 'How do you know?' and 'Explain what makes you think that?'


All our children are given every opportunity to become confident and capable mathematicians, not adverse to challenge. They build up a range of strategies and approaches towards maths as they progress through school, which prepare them for further education and future life. Children see a real reason for maths being such a focal point in their education.

Children leave Farndon with, at least, the basic knowledge and skills required to successfully progress through High School.

Our enthusiasm and approach leads to engaging, varied and relevant maths experiences for children here at Farndon Primary.


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‘Unlocking the Potential’