
Our topic in the Spring Term is Great Adventures!

The Literacy will follow the text "Great Adventures". It is about the incredible journeys undertaken by twenty of the most heroic and impressive adventurers who ever lived. It includes diary entries, log books, comic strips, maps and charts and so links beautifully to our Geography work. 

Our mian focus in the Spring term will of course be Geography. The pupils will learn how mountain ranges are formed and where they can be found on the Earth. Then, we will focus on the physical and human geography and then compare this to a region in northern Itlay - Lombardy. 

For Art, we will look at the work of Vincent Van Gogh - focusing on his work on mountain landscapes such as Le Mas de Saint-Paul. For their own piece of art work, inspired by the Alps, they will use collage techniques. In Design and Technology, the children will apply their knowledge from their work in science - electricity. In the Lombardy region contains the Iron Crown - it is a small crown and is considered to be one of the oldest symbols of Christianity. It was made in the Middle Ages, consisting of a band of gold and jewels fitted around a central silver band, which tradition says was made of iron beaten out of a nail from the crucifixion of Jesus.Obviously, this is incredibly precious and the children will be tasked to make sure it is kept safe by designing and making their very own burglar alarm system. 

Computing will focus on data logging which will link nicely to the weather in northern Italy and compare that with north Wales. In coding, we will create algorithms to make patterns and shapes using repeating loops. 

Finally, in Science, our main topic will be electricity. We will start with looking at what appliances use electricity and the dangers it can pose. Then, the children will learn how to make a complete circuit in order to make a bulb light or a device work such as a buzzer or a motor. Then, we will conduct experiments to work out which materials are insulators (doesn't let electricity through) and which are conductors (allows electricity to pass though. 


‘Unlocking the Potential’