Cave Man Experience

Lesson: History

Class: Year 3 Robins Year: 2024 - 2025

Our Milestone 2 pupils have been busy this term learning all about what life was like in the Stoneage. But rather than learn it all in a book, the children got to experience what it was like first hand when they visited Delamere Forest. As they walked deeper and deeper into the woods, they found a real life Cave Man sat beside his camp fire. 

Firstly, he shared with them what he was wearing - a deer skin jacket and a hat made from a fox's head. The children then got to handle some typical stoneage objects and try to guess what they were used for. The was an axe and flint that could be shaped in an arrow head. There were deer antlers and a "scraper" to scrape off and clean the deer skins. Then, the Cave Man showed the children how to make fire, using nothing but an elder stick and some soft wood; the smoke began to form in just a matter of minutes. 

The Cave Man talked all about his shelter and how he moved to where there were animals to hunt. Then, he answered all the amazing questions the children: what did they believe? What happened when someone died? How did they hunt large animals? What sort of things did they eat? Did they ride horses?

After dinner, the children looked at some actual cave art and created some of their own on some clay. And they day finished learning all about the world's history as a timeline and that the history of mankind was only a tiny fraction of the whole timeline. One great fact was that the T-Rex was closer to the development of the I-Phone in years than it was to when the Stegasaurus roamed the earth. 

It was a brilliant day and I think it is fair to say the children will know and remember more of those sticky facts! 

‘Unlocking the Potential’