End of Key Stage Assessment

A new national curriculum was introduced in 2014. As a result, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) has changed the tests so that they assess the new curriculum. 

As part of the national curriculum review, levels have been abolished. Levels have been recognised as the driver of undue pace through the curriculum, which has led to gaps in pupils’ knowledge. We now focus on age related expectations and "depth" in learning.

We now use scaled scores to report national curriculum test outcomes. A pupil’s scaled score will be based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in the test. The pupil’s raw score will be translated into a scaled score using a conversion table. A pupil who achieves the national standard will have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests. This will mean that they are well placed to succeed in the next phase of their education.

The typical characteristics of pupils at the national standard are illustrated by the test performance descriptors which can be accessed below. The old national curriculum levels are not relevant to the new national curriculum. However, in order to provide  some indication of the new standards, there is some equivalence in a broad sense. At KS1 the national standard will roughly equate to an old level 2b. At KS2 this will roughly equate to an old level 4b.

In Year 2, although they are now not statutory, we still complete the optional Key Stage 1 SATs tests. Information on these can be on on the following link: Year 2 optional SATs

In Year 6, pupils who are working at the level of the tests will have to sit a range of tests in May.

Parents can find out more about these tests by reading the pamphlet that can be downloaded from the bottom of this page, or by watching the videos. 

Grammar: This includes a test paper with questions on grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. It will also include a spelling test of 20 words.

Reading: Pupils will be asked to read a range of texts and then will answer comprehension questions on it. In the new curriculum, there is a bigger focus on inference and deduction.

Maths: In Key Stage 2, there is no longer a calculator test. Pupils will do an arithmetic test which focuses on calculations. Paper 2 is a reasoning test, which focuses on applying their mathematical knowledge.

Writing: This will still be teacher assessment. Teachers will report on whether pupils are working below, working towards, working at age related expectations or working at a greater depth.


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