Curriculum and Planning

🌿 Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

At Acorns Nursery, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS), which supports children from birth to five years old, lasting until the end of the Reception year.

The EYFS framework is based on four guiding principles and includes:

  • Three Prime Areas of Learning and Development:
    • Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
    • Communication and Language
    • Physical Development
  • Four Specific Areas of Learning and Development:
    • Literacy
    • Mathematics
    • Understanding the World
    • Expressive Arts and Design

Learning takes place through play-based activities, rich experiences, and an engaging curriculum tailored to each child's needs.

🔗 Click here for the EYFS Curriculum - Development Matters

One of our parents told us: "My child's language in Pre-School is improving, and he comes home very excited about his learning."

📲 Class Dojo - Staying Connected

We use Class Dojo to share updates about your child's learning journey, celebrate achievements, and maintain open communication with parents. Please check Class Dojo regularly for messages, photos, and insights into what your child is learning each week.

🌱 Areas of Learning

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

(Building relationships; Self-regulation; Managing self)

  • Encouraging children to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
  • Building positive relationships with peers and staff through interactive games and activities.
  • Developing self-help skills such as handwashing, dressing, and pouring drinks independently.
  • Learning about sharing, turn-taking, and friendly behaviour.

Communication and Language

(Listening and attention; Understanding; Speaking and listening)

  • Exploring a variety of fiction and non-fiction books, developing attention and recall.
  • Discussing main events and characters in stories.
  • Expanding vocabulary through songs, rhymes, and conversations.

Physical Development

(Gross motor; Fine motor)

  • Developing strength and coordination using construction materials, outdoor play equipment, and tools.
  • Encouraging balance, movement, and spatial awareness through activities like bike riding, ball games, and climbing.


(Comprehension; Word reading; Writing)

  • Early mark-making and recognition of letters.
  • Learning single-letter sounds through the Read Write Inc. phonics programme.
  • Enjoying nursery rhymes, songs, and environmental sounds.


(Number; Number pattern; Shape, space, and measure)

  • Exploring Number and Shape of the Week through counting, measuring, and sorting activities.
  • Learning through counting books, songs, and rhymes.

Understanding the World

(Past and Present; People, Culture, and Communities; The Natural World)

  • Discovering different cultures and family traditions.
  • Exploring the local environment through nature walks and seasonal observations.
  • Learning about jobs and roles in the community.

Expressive Arts and Design

(Creating with materials; Being imaginative and expressive)

  • Exploring a variety of creative materials and techniques.
  • Looking at the work of famous artists and creating self-portraits.
  • Encouraging imaginative role play and storytelling.

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‘Unlocking the Potential’