Pupil Achievement

Celebrating Achievement; unlocking the potential

"Staff have high expectations of pupils' achievement and behaviour. This helps to ensure that pupils try their hardest and achieve well in a range of subjects." OFSTED March 2020

Please take a look at our achievements over the last year. At Farndon, we are very proud of what our children have achieved.

Attainment is what the pupils achieve at the end of the Key Stage in Year 2 and Year 6. We also include the attainment of the Year 1 pupils in their end of year phonics test and the attaiment of our pupils at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. To help put the school results in context, we always compare our attainment against National figures. 

The way pupils are assessed at the end of the Key Stage changed significantly in 2016. The bar has been raised, meaning the level of challenge is far greater. Levels have now been abolished and have been replaced with a scaled score. For more information, visit our page on End of Year Assessment.

Parents can see National statistics for 2023 by clicking here: National Figures 2023

Parents can compare how well we have done as a school by accessing the Performance Tables page on our website.

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‘Unlocking the Potential’