Anti Bullying Ambassadors

Farndon Primary School participates in the Anti-Bulling Ambassadors programme, which is part of the charity The Diana Award.

We expect our children to follow our core school values of kindness and respect. However, we recognise that sometimes children can be unkind to each other and in some rare cases this can lead to bullying. The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors programme provides our children with the opportunity to work together to raise awareness and offer support to combat bullying.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) help educate their peers on bullying, lead on anti-bullying campaigns, promote a culture which celebrates and tolerates difference and help keep their peers safe both online and offline.

Our ABAs meet regularly – about once a month – to discuss ways in which to promote the programme and share ideas about how to offer support to the children who may require it.

Job Description 

To become one of our ABAs children should demonstrate the following:

  • They are passionate and committed about stopping bullying in our school
  • They know what bullying is and what type of behaviour is and isn’t bullying
  • They work with their peers and staff to stop bullying in our school
  • They are someone who is kind, empathetic, a good listener and supports their peers
  • They help to run days in our school that raise awareness of bullying and promote kindness
  • They celebrate the things that make you and others special and unique
  • They keep everyone up to date with all of the brilliant Anti-Bullying work the school does.



Farrah and Thomas, both Year 6 pupils, were appointed as Anti Bullying Ambassadors. They wasted no time in setting up  their Anti Bullying display which presented the pupil version of our school's Anti Bullying Policy. 


A busy month for our Anti Bullying Ambassadors. They led two assemblies for our Anti Bullying Week. On Monday, they launched the week by sharing the theme - Choose Respect. They texted out to parents and encouraged all the children to wear Odd Socks and raised valuable funds for the Anti Bullying Alliance. They closed the week with a poem about celebrating differences and supporting others. It linked beautifully to the work of Teams 4 U (shoe box appeal) and our fund raising efforts for Children in Need. 


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‘Unlocking the Potential’