Welcome back! Your latest homework can be accessed below in the usual manner.
We have now moved homework activities to Google Classroom to help you familiarise yourselves with this as it is the same format that we will use should our class bubble ever need to close (fingers and toes crossed this won't happen!). So this transition can happen as smoothly as possible, can you please check that you have your Google Classroom passwords (it's the same as your Chromebook login). If you have misplaced/forgotten it please let me know next week so that I can provide you with a replacement.
Thank you.
Mrs Davies
New spellings will be taught on a Monday. During the rest of the week, children will be given a variety of activities based around these spellings to help embed the new pattern or rule. Instead of a weekly spelling test, children will be assessed on the spellings they have learnt so far at the end of each half-term, with this including 3-4 words from each week. All children now have their own login details, which have been sent home, to access www.spellingframe.co.uk and should be using this website to help improve their spelling knowledge several times a week for 15 minutes.
Your spellings can now be accessed via your login details for Spelling Frame. Please ensure you take the test each week to check your progress.
There is also a look, say, cover, write, check sheet to download. PLEASE KEEP THIS AT HOME
Your Math's homework this week can be found using your MyMaths log in. Activities have been set relating to this week's learning.
Your other piece of weekly homework will take the form of an ongoing project. Weekly tasks will be set on here for you to complete. PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR HOMEWORK IN EACH WEEK . We will collect the whole project in once it has been completed and put it into quarantine before we look at it. The whole project should build into a very pleasing piece of work. Your presentation is very important but the content of your work is even more important. Always give yourself enough time to produce a good piece of work and check it carefully. Good Luck and work hard.