Farndon General Election

Well it was results day in the Farndon General Election. For the last few weeks, our 4 Party Leaders have been busy canvasing the opinions of voters and writing their manifestoes. 

Competing for the votes of every pupil attending Farndon Primary were the leaders of the Vision Party, Transform Party, Tomorrow Party and Progress Party. 

Eva was the leader of Progress; Eliza led the Transform Party; Scout was leader of Vision and the leader of Tomorrow was Sophia James. 

All 4 Party leaders have been fantastic throughout the last 2 weeks. They all confidently shared their manifesto ideas, should they become Prime Minister of the School Council. We had songs written, merchandise, stickers, party badges and even T-Shirts printed. 

All children from every class were then invited to vote on a ballot paper at the Polling Station and then placed it in the ballot box. Thursday was the big count to find out how many constituencies each party won ( each class was considered as a constiuency). 

Winning 8 consituencies, was the Tomorrow Party which is led by Sophia James. So what happens next. Well she doesn't need to inform King Charles, but she does come to meet with the Headteacher to inform that she will be setting up a Council in September and to share her 3 main points within her manifesto.

Well done to all our Party leaders and their running mates. They were all amazing and did a brilliant job - any one of them would have made a fine leader of the school council. 

‘Unlocking the Potential’