
Child of our Time!

What was life like for the children who lived in our village through the ages - in Victorian times and during the war? 

Well that is exactly what we will find out. In History, we will learn about the jobs children did before the Education Act. They will learn all about life as a chimney sweep, the harsh conditions in the mines as a "trapper" and what is was like to work in a factory with the new huge machines to make cloth. Once children then had to go to school, we will give the children the chance to experience what it was like inside a Victorian classroom. What did they learn? What were the teachers like? How were they punished? 

Then, we fast forward a hundred years or so and look at what it was like for children in Farndon during the War. The children will experience what evacuation was like and what life was like on the Home Front. 

In Computing, we will be coding with Scratch to create our own Victorian quiz. We will teach the children how to use variables to keep score of all their correct answers. We will also look at why we use databases on computers. We will create our own databases based on our studies in World War Two. 

Our studies in Art will focus on the work of William Morris. He was an English textile designer, poet, artist, and writer. He was a major contributor to the revival of traditional British textile arts and methods of production. The children will use lino tiles to create their own printing blocks and then use them to make their own art work in the style of William Morris. In Design and Technology, the children will look at what the Victorian children did when they weren't working. For those few who could afford it, they might experience a trip to the seaside and experience a merry-go-round. The children will design and make their very own Victorian theme park ride using circuits and motors. 


‘Unlocking the Potential’