Star of the Week 15th July
Our final Star of the Week before the end of the academic year. In the final assembly of the year, we announce the winning House for the year and the race could not be closer. In these final weeks, house points have counted as double!!! So who has taken advantage of this and which House will come out on top! But before this, who has had an amazing week in class?
Mrs Pomerantz gave Anna a certificate for being an absolute superstar ech and every day! And Mrs Chapman Brown gave a certificate to Dash for his amazing voacbulary work. In Foxes, it was Jakub who was awarded a certificate for his hard work throughout the week and his positive attitude. In Squirrels, Robert got a certificate for his wonderful fairy tale writing. Finally, Mrs Pimparel awarded a group of Year 2 pupils who did such an amazing job to raise money for a worthy cause with a bake sale; they manage to raise an impressive amount and surpassed £80. A big well done to all our Infant pupils.
The lower juniors didn't come in to celebration assembly this week. We were told it was because they were too busy completing activities for their Ancient Greek day; I think it was because they would struggle to sit down in their Greek outfits!!! Which by the way, were fantastic. In Owls, Oliver earned an award for his helpful nature and being kind and considerate to others. And in Kingfishers, Poppy G received a certificate for her wondrful focus and hard work in class Finally, in Year 6, there was a Farndon first!!!! The certificate went to their teachers for putting on the Year 6 Leavers service.
Well done everyone - so many amazing stars throughout the whole academic year.