Headteacher weekly blog week beginning 25th June

Date: 1st Jul 2018 @ 12:06pm

Well it is fair to say that summer has most certainly arrived! The temperatures might be soaring, but school is still as busy as ever. 

Credit where credit is due - the Year 3 and 4 pupils have been giving it their all, practising their play. At times, it has been stuffy in the hall, but their performance levels have not dipped. I myself have not seen it yet, but I can hear the wonderful singing from my office. I can't wait to see the children shine on the stage. 

With the SATs a distant memory, the Year 6 pupils have been enjoying presenting to the class their personal talks, based on anything of their choosing. Speaking and listening is a big part of the literacy curriculum and the Year 6 talks are a perfect way of showing how confidently our pupils can present in a formal way to a large audience. Mrs Higley has been hugely impressed with the talks so far. The children clearly enjoy doing them which is perhaps why they go to so much effort, preparing slides, pictures and props. 

The Infants have thoroughly enjoyed their Brazil topic this term. Not only did they get to fly all the way to Brazil (virtually of course) but they also had the chance to make their carnival masks, learn to dance and then play the samba drums as part of a workshop. Their performance certainly did have that Brazilian vibe.

The build is now nearing its completion at last. It has been a long road but we are nearly there and are all excited to see the finishd article. The 6 classroom block is now plastered with a first coat of paint. You can really get a sense of the space the pupils and staff will have. I have just finished designing the teaching street area, complete with a practical area and built in cookery area. Also, this week we were thrilled to confirm that the building of the Early Years outside space will begin at the start of the school holidays. The designs look fantastic and the space will have a much more natural feel with lots of sensory experiences and opportunities for imaginative and physical play. It boasts a large mound with a pebble climb and rope pull. There is a beach area and a mud kitchen for imaginative play. And for those that like role play, there will be a stage area in the corner. I think I can condiently say we will all be rather excited to return in September and to move in to our new clasrooms. 

On Friday was of course our Summer Fair. The PTA and the Year 6 pupils did a fabulous job! We were lucky with the gorgeous weather and I think it is fair to say a good time was had by all. I had my time in the stocks and wet sponges (I have made a list of those pupils who threw sponges at me - so watch out!) but I think I got off rather lightly compared to Mr Bond, Mr Orford and Miss Schofield. A big thank you to everyone and I am sure we have raised lots of money that will go towards our outside space once it is built. 

‘Unlocking the Potential’