Headteacher blog Week beginning 4th May
Date: 9th May 2015 @ 11:57am
School was as busy as always this week even though it was only a 4 day week.
Year 4 pupils had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Bala. A big thank you to Mr Bond, Miss Schofield and Mrs Hughes for giving their time and hard work. I managed to speak with a few children before they went home and they all said what a brilliant time they had had. It is the first time we have gone to Bala and both the staff and the children clearly enjoyed it. Parents can access photographs in the gallery and can leave comments about the residential on our Parent Forum page that parents can now access.
Friday marked the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe day. We remembered this important historic event by wearing red, white and blue and observed a 2 minute silence in the hall. I am always so impressed with how respectful and knowledgable our children are when we hold a silence in rememberance and respect.
The other big news of the week was of course the general election. A full report is available on the website in the Gallery. It was a fantastic week and the Year 5 party leaders were absolutely fantastic. This was something not done in class, but in their own time. They canvased the opinions of pupils and launched into a huge poster campaign - one party even made badges! Although it was quite nerve wracking, all party leaders did such a good job delivering their party political broadcast to whole school. Thursday was the day all the pupils went to the polls. On Friday, the results were in and the winner was the party that won the most seats ( each constituency being a class of course ). The results reflected how hard all the children had worked as every party won at least 1 seat. However, the Tomorrow Party won a majority with 4 seats. Well done to everyone.
I also must mention our wonderful Year 6 pupils. They are a real credit to the school and have worked so hard preparing for their SATs. I am confident that they have been expertly prepared and because of their wonderful attitudes to their learning I am sure they will perform to their best and do really well. I think we are all looking forward to finish these SATs tests and then we can move on and enjoy preparing for the show and Sports Day.
May's Newsletter is available on the website and on the Parent Forum page we are inviting Parents to look at how we prmote our pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. New SMSC, Collective Worship and Behaviour are available to read.