New build 1

Welcome to Farndon Primary School

Unlocking the potential....

"Senior Leaders and Governors want Farndon pupils to be upstanding members of their local community. Leaders also want every pupil to enjoy learning, find their strengths and achieve highly." OFSTED March 2020

Farndon Primary School is a rural school on the outskirts of the historical city of Chester. It caters for children aged 3 -11 and benefits from an onsite before and after school club and School run Nursery. 

Our School is in the Village of Farndon just outside of Chester. It sits on the border with Wales. Click on the link below where you will find directions to our School.

We aim to deliver an exciting and vibrant curriculum through a book centred topic approach, providing high quality learning opportunities for all within a safe, secure and stimulating environment. We believe that this will inspire a love of learning and unlock the potential that lies within all of our children, preparing them to be happy, successful and responsible citizens in the future.

In a recent parent voice, one of our parents said,  "Words don’t explain the gratitude felt for the school knowing how well the children are educated, kept safe and make memories that will last a lifetime. Such a welcoming, organised and delightful school."

Should parents want a paper copy of any of the information on this website, we will provide this free of charge. 

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Walker BEd (hons) NPQH


‘Unlocking the Potential’